Tuesday, November 17, 2015

10 Ways to Lower Estrogen

This info is from a great article on managing estrogen load - 10 Ways to Lower Estrogen Toxic Load. It's especially pertinent to me because my breast cancer is hormone (estrogen and progesterone) receptor-positive, which means estrogen can help stimulate tumor growth. I took aromatase inhibitors for two and a half years (Letrozole and Anastrozole) which block the enzyme aromatase, which turns the hormone androgen into estrogen.  I stopped taking Anastrozole a few months ago, choosing a more natural route for keeping estrogen low and moving safely through my system.

Understand how estrogen is metabolized 

Estrogen is metabolized by the liver. The liver converts excess estrogens into compounds that can be excreted by the body. The catch is there are three pathways through which estrogen can be metabolized. One is a “toxic” pathway that is linked to cancer development, the second is unfavorable for health, and the third is more benign and preferable.

If your body can convert estrogens along what is called the 2­hydroxy pathway it will be healthier and you’ll decrease your cancer risk, whereas if your body converts along the 16­alpha­hydroxy pathway it will be at greater risk of cancer. Don’t worry about the chemical names of the pathways, just remember that the C­2 pathway is healthier and the C­16 pathway and the C­4 pathway are unfavorable. The solution is to nutritionally support conversion of estrogen along the C­2 pathway, which can be initiated by ensuring you have a healthy gut.   

10 Ways to Lower Estrogen Toxic Load  

1) Improve Gastrointestinal Health
Poor gastrointestinal health can inhibit excretion of unwanted estrogen from the body and promote its reabsorption. A healthy gut with dietary fiber in the form lignan, such as flaxseeds, can bind to estrogen in the digestive tract so that it will be excreted from the body. Dietary fiber also reduces the amount of an enzyme (called B­glucouronidase) that uncouples or breaks apart bound estrogen that is on its way out of the body. When the estrogen breaks free in the large intestine, it re­enters circulation and is not removed from the body. This is a bad situation.

The solution is to eat adequate fiber and include lignans in the diet, including flax, leafy greens, and bran (oat, rye, barley). Eating plenty of probiotic foods or taking a probiotic is essential because it will increase the “good bacteria” in the gut and support neurotransmitter function.

2) Improve Diet With Low Carb, High­Protein, Omega­3 Fats
To avoid excess estrogen, you need to manage insulin because doing so is better for body composition, and persistently high insulin produces a poor endocrine profile that can inhibit estrogen metabolism. Getting your carbs from vegetable and fruit sources will provide the lignans and fiber needed for gut health and increase antioxidant levels, which can abolish free radicals that produced by estrogen that goes down the C­16 pathway. Omega­3 fats, which are found in fish, have been shown to promote the C­2 pathway over the 16 pathway, particularly EPA omega­3 fatty acids. On the flip side, diets low in omega­3s have resulted in estrogen being metabolized primarily through the C­16 pathway.

A high­ protein diet will produce a better body composition for most people. Plus, low protein diets have been shown to decrease activity of something called cytochrome P450 that metabolizes estrogen. The amino acids lysine and threonine have been shown to support liver function and since estrogen is metabolized by the liver, it is thought that these proteins can help get rid of estrogen from the body. Lysine and threonine are found in meat, fish, beans, eggs, and some seeds (sesame, fenugreek). Sesame seeds also provide fiber and fenugreek helps lower the insulin response to carbs, making both good additions to your diet.

3) Decrease Body Fat
The more fat you have, the more estrogen you’ll have because fat tissue increases levels of the aromatase enzyme that turns testosterone to estrogen. Decreasing body fat and building lean mass are key to cancer prevention and estrogen elimination. Another way to protect the tissues from circulating estrogen is to keep it bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). When it is bound to SHBG, estrogen is not available to bind with cellular receptors and won’t have its estrogenic impact. Flaxseed hulls are especially good at increasing SHBG (as well as inhibiting aromatase).

4) Use Phytoestrogens To Promote the C­2 Pathway
Include foods with phytoestrogens in your diet because they will take natural and chemical estrogens out of play in the body. Phytoestrogens are plant ­based compounds that can bind to estrogen receptors, but they have about 1/1000th of the effect on the body as real or chemical estrogen. When phytoestrogens bind to estrogen receptors they basically take up the parking sport of the true estrogen, and keep it from exerting its effect.

Lignans and isoflavones are the main phytoestrogens, and in addition to binding with estrogen receptors, they can increase SHBG levels (protects the body by binding to estrogen), decrease aromatase (prevents testosterone turning into estrogen), and shift metabolism of estrogen away from the C­16 pathway to the C­2 pathway (the safer pathway). The best phytoestrogens to include in the diet are flax, sesame, leafy greens, kudzu, alfalfa, clover, licorice root, and legumes.

5) Block Aromatase and Stop Testosterone From Turning into Estrogen
Blocking aromatase is key for getting rid of estrogen because it plays the main role in producing estrogen in men. If aromatase is present, there are two chances for estrogen to be produced in the body. First, the hormone androstenedione will be turned into testosterone unless aromatase is present in which case it will be turned into estrogen. Then, aromatase will turn testosterone into estrogen as well.

Nutrients that have a proven effect on aromatase include selenium, melatonin, zinc, green tea, and citrus flavonones—substances found in orange and grapefruit rinds along with tomato skins.

6) Improve Estrogen Metabolism By Promoting the C­2 Pathway
Promoting the C­2 pathway of estrogen metabolism is probably the most important thing you can do to prevent cancer. The first step of estrogen elimination is for enzymes to initiate metabolism by joining the estrogen molecule. This will happen at either the 2­carbon position or the 16­carbon position of the molecule, which determines the pathway the estrogen will head down. The C­2 pathway produces very weak estrogenic activity and is termed “good” estrogen. In contrast, the C­16 pathway produces robust estrogenic activity and promotes tissue damage that leads to cancer.

Key nutrients for supporting the C­2 pathway are EPA fish oils, phytoestrogens, and of special importance, B vitamins and a substance called DIM. The B vitamins, particularly B6, B12, and folic acid promote the C­2 pathway. B6 is also known to decrease gene activity once estrogen is bound to a receptor, meaning this vitamin can inhibit cell damage and cancer development. DIM is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower. It is often taken in supplement form because you would need to eat large quantities of these vegetables daily in order to provide sufficient DIM to have an effect on estrogen elimination.

7) Ensure Complete Elimination of Estrogen
Once you shift your estrogen elimination to the C­2 pathway you have to make sure it gets excreted from the body. Two things can happen along the way out that cause big problems. First, estrogen that is heading down the C­2 pathway can be easily turned into something called quinones, which are “highly reactive” and can damage DNA and cause cancer. In order to avoid the production of quinones you must have adequate amounts of two nutrients—magnesium and SAMe. This process of metabolizing estrogen to avoid quinones is called methylation and is the first place that things can go wrong on the estrogen elimination pathway.

As estrogen is heading out of the intestine, it needs to be bound to glucuronic acid, but there is a “bad” intestinal bacteria that contains an enzyme that breaks estrogen apart from the glucuronic acid. This is the second place estrogen detoxification can go wrong. When the “bad” bacteria, called glucouronidase, uncouples the bond between estrogen and glucuronic acid, estrogen re­enters circulation, effectively raising estrogen levels in the body and damaging tissue. To avoid this, you need a healthy gut, which you can get by supporting the probiotic bacteria in your gut and eating lots of fiber and lignans.

8) Supplement With Essential Nutrients
To review, the essential nutrients to help metabolize estrogen are the B vitamins, zinc, omega­3 fish oils, DIM (nutrient found in cruciferous vegetables), green tea, magnesium, selenium, and melatonin.
Vitamin E is another potent antioxidant that aids estrogen elimination. Low vitamin E is associated with elevated estrogen and it has been shown to inhibit the growth of breast and prostate cancer cells.
9) Watch What You Drink
Alcohol increases estrogen levels in men and women, and it has been shown to decrease testosterone as well. For optimal estrogen metabolism, it's recommended that you eliminate all alcohol besides certain red wine. Sardinian and Spanish wines are rich in antioxidants that help remove estrogens. Other good choices are Pinot and Merlot.  

10) Limit Chemical Estrogen Exposure
Avoiding chemical estrogens is one of the most important strategies for preventing cancer and protecting yourself. If you were able to have no contact with chemical estrogens, and you had good nutrition, a lean body composition, and a large proportion of muscle mass, it is very unlikely you’d have excess estrogen or be at risk of cancer. Unfortunately, chemical estrogens are everywhere. Because we cannot completely avoid contact with chemical estrogens, the reality is that you have to take responsibility for eliminating estrogen from your body and the bodies of your loved ones. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

A better way to make decisions about your cancer treatment

Very glad to hear that shared decision-making is gaining traction. This is the way I prefer to work with my oncologist. Here's an overview from the American Cancer Society http://www.cancer.org/treatment/findingandpayingfortreatment/understandingfinancialandlegalmatters/informedconsent/informed-consent-shared-decision-making
Shared decision-making is a newer way of talking about treatment and treatment decisions, and some doctors are using it. It works like this: the doctor gives the patient information about the pros and cons of all the treatment options, including no treatment. This often means “homework” for the patient, such as reading, looking at DVDs, or sifting through other types of information. The patient tells the doctor about factors (preferences, health problems, home conditions, and such) that might make each treatment option better or worse than the others. Together, the patient and doctor decide which treatment is best for the patient. Or they may decide on something else, such as waiting for further developments before choosing a treatment. 
This is quite different from just saying “yes” or “no” to the treatment the doctor offers you. It may mean that you must take in more information, ask more questions, share more about yourself, and take more time to sort through your options together.This type of decision-making is especially helpful when there is no single “best” treatment option. For many people, the extra effort is worth it – they feel more certain that they made the best treatment choice for themselves. But for others, it may be too much or feel overwhelming (see the next section called “What if I want my doctor to make the decisions about my care…?). 
It’s OK to tell the doctor that you don’t want to share decision-making. But if you do want this kind of input let your doctor know. Be sure that you understand all the reasonable options for your situation, and go over them with your doctor. See the section called “What questions should I ask during informed consent?” to get some ideas of what to ask about each treatment option. Keep in mind that your doctor may not have as much information about some treatments as others, and you may need to get a second opinion to get a more complete picture.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Keeping glucose levels low is key to starving cancer

In 1924, Dr. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for his hypothesis that cancer cells had a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells. Dr. Warburg showed that cancer cells exhibited a preference for the utilization of sugar (glucose) as a fuel, even when the oxygen that normal cells use for energy creation was available. He wrote:
“Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.”
Stands to reason then, that step one of any cancer protocol would be to limit sugar, right?  Sadly, I have never once heard an oncologist mention this. What's worse, is most oncology centers have a big bowl of candy at the counter and a vending machine stocked with cookies, candy and high carb snacks. I know the people in these centers are well meaning. "It's comfort food" I heard one of them say, as I bit my tongue. "No, it's killer food" is what I wanted to say.

When I started my journey, I cut out all sweets, stopped drinking (yes that's sugar), went gluten-free, and limited meats, diary and other foods that contributed to an acidic environment. An acidic environment is a low oxygen environment. More on the pH connection later.

What I didn't realize initially was that it wasn't that simple. I had limited carbs, and had better carbs, but still didn't have the right protein-fat-cab balance. More research suggested that a ketogenic diet was a better fit.

A ketogenic diet calls for minimizing carbohydrates and replacing them with healthy fats and moderate amounts of high-quality protein. Paleo, Ideal Protein, Zone and Atkins are similar type diets, but tend to focus more on the protein, and less on the fat element and overall balance. Respectfully most diets are about weight loss, so fats are limited. With cancer, we're not as concerned about the calories.

The ketogenic diet gets its name from ketones, substances made when the body breaks down fat for energy. Fat, like sugar, is a source of energy. Unfortunately, the body goes to the glucose fuel first and only goes to ketones in long term storage when glucose is not available.

Here's the bottom line - if cancer cells don't get sugar, they die. But its not just about limiting sugar in your diet. It's about understanding the role of carbohydrates and their conversion to sugar and the importance of the protein-fat-carb balance. Getting the body to use ketones as a fuel source is an important part of the process.

Want to know more? Check out these resources:

Saturday, October 24, 2015

How staring at your dog helps you beat cancer

A recent NY Times article The look of love is in the dog's eyes talks about how staring into the eyes of your dog causes the release of the hormone oxytocin in both you and the dog.
Japanese researchers found that dogs who trained a long gaze on their owners had elevated levels of oxytocin, a hormone produced in the brain that is associated with nurturing and attachment, similar to the feel-good feedback that bolsters bonding between parent and child. After receiving those long gazes, the owners’ levels of oxytocin increased, too.
Combine that with studies that show how oxytocin inhibits proliferation of cancer cells and you can see why I've added regular stare fests with Eva to my cancer protocol.

Truth is I was already staring at Eva pretty regularly, but with a different intent. She cries when she's hungry, which is pretty much all the time, and the way I get her to stop is just to stare at her.

I can't imagine life without a dog, much less trying to beat a life-threatening disease without the support of pets. It pleases me to no end that I now have scientific proof of the value of our stare fests.

Here are links to the oxytocin and cancer stories:

Oxytocin inhibits proliferation of human breast cancer cell lines

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What I've Learned From Cancer

I’ve learned that the best cure is the one you believe in the most.

I’ve learned that people get sick for different reasons and they heal in different ways. 

I’ve learned there’s no such thing as false hope. 

I’ve learned that having a dog snuggle up beside you is the best medicine there is.

I’ve learned that a life-threatening disease is the fastest way to find out what your spouse is made of (though I don’t recommend it as a testing device).

I’ve learned that sometimes the people who are there for you aren’t always the ones you expect to be there.

I’ve learned to forgive those who weren’t there for me, understanding that people often don’t know what to say or do and many are afraid.

I’ve learned that a sick child brings out the best in parents, no matter what the age of the child or parent, and that cancer has a way of instantly erasing all the crap between you that once seemed important.

I’ve learned that fathers love by fixing and mothers love by cooking and cleaning.

I’ve learned what fear and love look like as they run together on the faces of those who love you most.

I’ve learned that Nicki Giovanni was right – we are responsible for those we love and for those who love us.

I’ve learned about the immense power of the mind to heal the body and how much control over healing each of us really has.

I’ve learned the power of words….
-   How the word malignant can evoke fear in even the bravest among us.

-   How the body listens to every word you say, so its important not to use clichés like “This is killing me.” 

-   How the words doctors use influence whether their patients live or die. When doctors tell their patients they’re going to die, they generally do.   

I’ve learned that your unconscious and your body are very aware of the mood of an operating room – that it makes a difference how the doctors feel - about you, about what they’re doing, and about the eventual outcome.  (And it seems to help to have Motown playing in the background).

I’ve learned the power of prayer and how it doesn’t matter how someone prays or even how well they know who they’re praying for – it just matters that they pray.

I’ve learned what it feels like to receive love and energy from other people, to actually feel it coming into your body – it is both electric and soothing at the same time.

I’ve learned that a big part of healing is letting go, getting rid of all toxins, both emotional and physical.

I’ve learned that we attract to us the experiences we need in order to learn and grow.

I’ve learned that you don’t have to get sick to grow spiritually and emotionally (but it seems to work out that way for many of us).
I’ve learned there is no single explanation as to why I got cancer.  It wasn’t the mosquito truck or not having children, or smoking or drinking or too many cheeseburgers, or lack of nurturing, a bad marriage or a stressful job.  It is all of these things and none of them. 

I’ve learned that avoiding stress is very stressful.

I’ve learned that it’s true – shit happens.  It’s equally true that when it does, those of us looking for the pony amongst the shit are the ones most likely to survive.

I’ve learned that getting a new set of breasts is kind of like getting a new car.  You start seeing similar breasts all around you, when before you hadn’t noticed them at all.

I’ve learned that it’s not nice to make fun of middle-aged women who have round perky breasts because they might have had breast cancer.

I’ve learned that it’s not nice to make fun of middle-aged women who have round, perky breasts whether they’ve had cancer or not.

I learned how to ignore the drainage tubes sewn into my skin and the douche bags flapping from my chest.  I learned how to conceal the extra baggage under a stylish layered ensemble.  I learned how to accessorize cancer. 

I’ve learned that whenever possible, you should schedule mastectomies in the winter months because it makes for easier hiding of the afore mentioned drainage system.

I’ve learned it’s better to schedule hospital stays during holidays because you have a better choice of rooms.

I wrote this in 2001 when I ventured through cancerville the first time. Found it today and thought it would make a nice post. I'll follow up with new learnings soon. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Search for Integrative Physicians Covered by Insurance

I was so excited to find a wonderful Integrative Oncologist, only to discover that Integrative Oncology is not covered by insurance companies and is classified as "experimental."  Really?  You've got to be kidding! 

So if you're an oncologist and choose to look at cancer from a more holistic perspective, and include in your treatment wild and crazy things like diet, exercise and stress relief, you're thrown out of the club?  No frigging wonder there aren't more integrative physicians!

Let's take a look at what's going on here.  First, let's start with the definition (From Integrative Medicine article in US News and World Report) 
Integrative medicine combines state-of-the-art, conventional medical treatments with other therapies that are carefully selected and shown to be effective and safe. The goal is to unite the best that conventional medicine has to offer with other healing systems and therapies derived from cultures and ideas both old and new. 
Integrative medicine is based upon a model of health and wellness, as opposed to a model of disease. Whenever possible, integrative medicine favors the use of low-tech, low-cost interventions. 
The integrative medicine model recognizes the critical role the practitioner-patient relationship plays in a patient's overall healthcare experience, and it seeks to care for the whole person by taking into account the many interrelated physical and nonphysical factors that affect health, wellness, and disease, including the psychosocial and spiritual dimensions of people's lives.
Radical concepts aren't they?  So where's the rub? I'm guessing it has a lot to do with that middle paragraph and the notion of "based on a model of health and wellness versus disease" and "favors low-tech, low-cost interventions."  Big pharma can't make any money if you're healing your cancer with diet, supplements and yoga. Likewise, who needs all those hospitals and doctors if we as individuals take responsibility for our health?

But we do still need doctors, and we do still need traditional treatments and even those incredibly expensive drugs.  Integrative medicine is not just about natural, alternative therapies, it's about "uniting the best that conventional medicine has to offer with other healing systems and therapies."

How do you find Integrative Minded Physicians?

You may not be able to find Integrative Oncologists covered by your insurance, but you may be able to find Integrative Primary Care Physicians or Internists that are covered. That doesn't mean that everything they prescribe is covered, but you can at least have the benefit of someone who shares your values and approach. And that's important. Remember in an earlier post where I talked about the patient-physician relationship? Never underestimate the power of that relationship.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Why your oncologist may not be open to non-traditional therapies

Although I'm a big proponent of alternative and holistic therapies, I try not to get caught up in medical establishment bashing.  I believe the majority of oncologists do care about their patients and put their best interests ahead of profits. That said, I believe the system itself is in need of attention. When a large portion of an oncologist's income comes from chemotherapy administered in their office, there are bound to be problems. The same is true when the majority of drug research is funded by pharmaceutical companies that profit from the drugs.

I highly recommend this three-part Forbes series by Dr. Robert Pearl, MD. He addresses three very important issues with the current system. 

  1. How Manufacturer-funded research compromises patient care - Discusses how money motivates bias in medical research.
  2. When Money Motivates Cancer Treatment Options - Talks about the bias that takes place when doctors own their own diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.
  3. Are Oncologists recommending the best treatments for patients? - Highlights the lingering problem of physicians buying and selling prescription medications to patients – at a profit.

Tumor markers, PET scans and other measures

It's hard not to get caught up in the numbers, especially the dreaded CA 27-29 tumor marker. Mine went through the roof this time, up almost 100 points, the highest it's ever been. My first response was panic, fear, and an overwhelming sense of dread.

Thankfully it didn't last very long. Pretty soon I came to my senses and decided the number didn't mean the cancer was worse. I was certain that it was in fact, better. I felt better, much better. If the cancer was anywhere close to where it had been when I started this journey or worse, there was no way I could feel this good, both physically and mentally. I blew it off and went on about my week.

The day after the blood tests, I had a PET scan, so I decided not to fret unless the PET scan results suggested I should. Today I got those results, and low and behold, they were good. As is typical of my life, the results were......mixed, weird, a bit perplexing, especially when considering the elevated tumor markers. The PET summary read....Mixed response of mild progression and predominantly mild regression.  My oncologist was concerned about the tumor marker number, but happy with the PET and said "stay the course" believing I was still taking the Ibrance and Femara cocktail.

The nurse practitioner, who I see more than the oncologist, asked me to reconsider going back on  Ibrance and I told her I would think about it. It's tough to know what to do at this point. I feel strongly that my alternative approach is working, but I also believe in hitting it with whatever we have. That said, I can't get my head around the side effects, and particularly the weakening of the immune system.

Breast cancer tumor marker image from MIT Spectrum.

Explaining why the CA 27-29 number was elevated

After doing more research, my best guess for why the number went up was because of dying cancer cells. At least that's what I choose to believe.  I found this in a description of the tumor markers.

Levels usually drop following effective treatment, although they may spike in the first few weeks after treatment is started, a result of dying cancer cells spilling their contents into the bloodstream.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

It's not just about what you believe, but also what your doctors and caregivers believe

I've talked a lot about the physical side of beating cancer. Now it's time to talk about the other missing ingredient - the mental component.

You can do everything right from a physical standpoint, you could eat all the right things, take all the right supplements, exercise, and do all manner of positive improvements, but still not heal. The key is to get the body, mind and soul all aligned and working together.

I've been busy re-reading several pivotal books that I discovered when I was cancering the first time in 2001. One of these is Timeless Healing - The Power and Biology of Belief by Herbert Benson. Dr. Benson is an MD, Harvard professor and pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine. I highly recommend not only this book, but everything he's written. We'll talk more about Dr. Benson when we discuss his relaxation response in a subsequent post.

A note about belief and why a positive attitude is not enough

I have always been a "glass half full" kind of girl. It is not unusual to have people comment on my positive attitude and how it would help me beat cancer. I thought it was enough. I thought a positive attitude was the same as mind-body alignment. It's not. The missing element is belief!

The first time through cancer I was 100% certain that I would beat it. So were my doctors and my support system. This time, something subtle changed. Looking back on it I can tell you exactly when it happened. It was a year ago. My CA 27-29 tumor marker numbers were at 40 (30s are normal) and my PET scan showed amazing reduction of cancer (difficult to find anything) and rejuvenated bones. I was doing the happy dance as you can imagine and I said to my oncologist. So I'm close to being done with this, right? In remission!

To which my kind and well meaning oncologist said, "Oh no sweetie. It's in your bones. You'll always have it. The meds just sort of keep a lid on it. The meds stop working after awhile and we have to give you new meds. If we stop the meds and let the lid off, you'll be right back where you were."

I didn't realize it at the time, but this was the day my life changed. Up until that point, I thought I could be cancer free. Something changed in me that day. I believed the doctor and I stopped believing I could ever be cancer free.

I had a great, positive attitude mind you and believed there would always be new drugs and I could still have a great quality of life, but deep down inside I didn't believe I could beat it. This is a subtlety, but for me a very important one. What happened that day is I turned over control of my cancer and my healing to the medical establishment. And for me, there was no way I was going to beat cancer without feeling like I had the power.

Three Components of Remembered Wellness

Doctor Benson talks a lot about the notion of expectations and beliefs. What you expect from a drug, you get. What you believe will happen, will happen. We have mountains of research on the placebo effect to back that up. What is especially interesting, however, is that it's not just what you, the patient believes, but it is also what your doctor and caregivers believe that make the difference. Benson refers to these as the Three Components of Remembered Wellness:

  1. Belief and expectancy on the part of the patient.
  2. Belief and expectancy on the part of the caregiver.
  3. Belief and expectancies generated by a relationship between the patient and caregiver. 

Think about that for a minute. Even if your doctor and your caregivers are positive, if they don't truly believe you can beat it, it will be difficult (though not impossible), for you to win. So what should you do in a situation like mine where your oncologist doesn't really believe it is a winnable war?

For me, the answer was to find another oncologist, an integrative oncologist who believed in a more holistic approach, as I did and who also believed there was a way to live cancer-free, regardless of where in your body today's cancer resides.

If you can't switch oncologists or caregivers, you can at least be aware of the power of beliefs and not let those of your doctor or caregiver infect your own personal beliefs. It's not easy, but awareness is the first step.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Natural Alternatives for Aromatase Inhibitors and Chemoprevention

Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) are a class of drugs used to treat breast cancer by reducing the amount of estrogen available that can stimulate the growth of estrogen-driven cancer cells. This class of drugs doesn't halt ovaries from making estrogen, so AIs are only used in post-menopausal women. There are 2 types of aromatase inhibitors (AIs) approved to treat breast cancer:
  • Irreversible steroidal inhibitors, such as exemestane (Aromasin), forms a permanent and deactivating bond with the aromatase enzyme.
  • Non-steroidal inhibitors, such as anastrozole (Arimidex) and letrozole (Femara), inhibit the synthesis of estrogen via reversible competition for the aromatase enzyme.

How effective are AIs?

After researching the efficacy of AIs, I discovered that although they are associated with a reduction in breast cancer recurrence, they do not result in women with breast cancer living any longer. What's more, the drugs have been found to produce a host of adverse, sometimes toxic effects, which make the benefit somewhat questionable. Researchers in Medical Oncology and Hematology at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto suggests that the toxicity may explain the lack of overall survival benefit. See http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/content/103/17/NP.6.full for details on this study.

Not only do we have estrogens naturally produced by our bodies, but we may also have external chemicals in our body, for example from certain pesticides, BPA, phthalates, toluene, perfumes, parabens etc which act like estrogens. They are called xenoestrogens and some of them can be just as harmful as the more aggressive natural estrogens.

Part of my protocol is replacing personal care products and home goods with natural ones that don't have the toxic chemicals listed above. I also eat organic and avoid pesticides wherever possible.

Are there safer alternatives?

The short answer is yes! There are many ways of cutting both natural and chemical estrogens. The first is to lose the fat. Being overweight is a counter-active factor as fat can provide the building blocks for estrogen, and is also an excellent solvent and so will store estrogens that you would be better to excrete. 

Having good blood levels of plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) has been shown to be protective, as has Indole3carbinol (from broccoli and greens).  Also important is the health and involvement of certain beneficial bacteria in the gut, and their ability to use whole foods like lignans to bind to estrogenic products and help excrete them.

Note: I highly recommend the website canceractive.com for more information on alternatives. Much of what you're reading here came from them. 

My Alternative AI Combo

Natural Phytoestrogen via greens and chickpeas - Phytoestrogens are herbs and foods that mimic the effects of estrogen in your body. Because they are weaker forms of estrogen, they provide a weaker stimulation of cell receptor sites. For those who have high amounts of estrogen, these foods competitively bind with receptor sites and decrease the overall effect of estrogen. Phytoestrogens are abundant in green vegetables, fruits and particularly pulses like chick peas and beans. I have a glass of juiced greens each day, green vegetables with every meal and I eat a lot of humus, which is made from chickpeas.

Soy is another phytoestrogen who's effects with breast cancer have mixed reviews. There are studies demonstrating both positive and negative effects. I eat edamame and tofu, but tend to limit my soy intake otherwise.

I3C - I3C contains indoles and other compounds found in cruciferous vegetables that have shown promise in supporting healthy levels of estrogens. I3C acts in a number of ways, from denaturing aggressive estrogen and its by products to rebalancing estrogen receptor sites. I3C is almost ‘the wonder compound’ it has so many beneficial effects – from being a natural Tamoxifen, without the side effects to an inhibitor of dangerous dioxins in the body. Natural supplements are available and synthetic drugs are in preparation. I take a I3C + DIM blend from Seeking Health.  http://www.seekinghealth.com/dim-supplement-indole-3-carbinol-dim.html

Rice Bran - Emerging evidence suggests that rice bran (from brown rice) may be beneficial against several types of cancer, including breast, lung, liver, and colorectal cancer. The chemopreventive potential is related to the bioactive phytochemicals in the bran portion of the rice such as ferulic acid, tricin, β-sitosterol, γ-oryzanol, tocotrienols/tocopherols, and phytic acid. Studies have shown that the anticancer effects of the rice bran-derived bioactive components are mediated through their ability to induce apoptosis (cancer cell death), inhibit cell proliferation, and alter cell cycle progression in malignant cells. Rice bran bioactive components protect against tissue damage through the scavenging of free radicals and the blocking of chronic inflammatory responses. Rice bran phytochemicals have also been shown to activate anticancer immune responses as well as affecting the colonic tumor microenvironment in favor of enhanced colorectal cancer chemoprevention. This is accomplished through the modulation of gut microflora communities and the regulation of carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes. From http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22983843 I eat brown rice regularly, and I also take Beta 1,3D Glucan. 

Resveratrol is a flavenoid that is the natural protective agent in the skins of red grapes and black and red berries. Research has shown that Resveratrol has a natural anti-aromatase effect. Unfortunately you can't get the needed amount of resveratrol from a daily glass or two of red wine, so you'll need to take supplements.  Check out this study - Anti-aromatase effect of resveratrol and melatonin on hormonal positive breast cancer cells co-cultured with breast adipose fibroblasts.

Melatonin - The hormone melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger that helps combat inflammation. In addition to its immune system benefits and helping you fall asleep and bestowing a feeling of overall comfort and well being, melatonin has proven to have an impressive array of anti-cancer benefits. Melatonin inhibits the proliferation of a wide range of cancer cell types, as well as triggering cancer cell apoptosis (self destruction). The hormone also interferes with the new blood supply tumors require for their rapid growth (angiogenesis). Melatonin can also boost efficacy and decrease the toxicity of cancer chemotherapy.

Quercetin is an allstar anti-cancer nutrient that is widely available in onions and apples, however it denatures rapidly in the body and so it seems that the potency comes not so much from the quercetin itself but from its breakdown by-products. Science is playing catch-up tracking their effects, but apart from the usual antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, and anti-bacterial/anti-viral factors, there is research indicating that they have AI benefits in breast cancer cells. Other sources include garlic, kale, brussel sprouts and cabbage. I eat a lot of garlic and I also take a quercetin supplement.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

What cows and chickens eat and why it matters

I hadn't intended to talk about cows and chickens in this blog, but after reading about them in Anticancer, I feel like I have to. I've learned so much from author David Servan-Schreiber I don't even know where to start.  Please, if you only read one book on cancer prevention and treatment, read Anticancer.  The information in this next section is from that book.
In a natural cycle, cows give birth in spring, when the grass is most luxuriant, and produce milk for several months until summer's end. Spring grass is an especially rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, and you find these omega-3s in the milk's derivatives - butter, cream, yogurt and cheese. Omega-3s are likewise found in beef from grass-fed cattle and in eggs from free-range chickens fed with forage (rather than grain). 
Starting in the fifties, the demand for milk products and beef went up so much that farmers had to look for shortcuts. Pastures where abandoned and replaced by battery farming with corn, soy and wheat becoming the principal diet. This diet contains practically no omega-3s, but plenty of omega-6s. Omega-6s help stock fats and promote inflammation, while omega-3s make cell membranes more flexible and protect against inflammation. Our physiological wellbeing depends very much on the balance between omega-3s and omega-6s in our body and therefore in our diet.  
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are called essential because the human body cannot make them. The quantity of these in our bodies stems directly from the content of the food we eat. In turn, the amount in our food depends on what the cows and chickens have consumed in their feed. If they eat grass, then the meat, milk and eggs they provide are perfectly balanced in omega-3s. If they eat corn and soy, the resulting imbalance is as much as 1/15, even 1/40. Because these two fatty acids are constantly competing for control of our body functions, this balance is critical.  

How a cow's diet and subsequent "emissions" contributes to global warming
The 2006 United Nations report on food and agriculture concluded that current methods of raising animals for human consumption are one of the major causes of global warming. The contribution of animal farming to the greenhouse effect is even larger than that of transportation. Animal farming is responsible for 65% of emissions of nitrous oxide, a gas that contributes to global warming 296 times more than CO2. 

Methane emitted by cows is a by-products of their poor digestion of corn and contributes to global warming 23 times more than CO2. Thirty seven percent of methane in the world comes from cattle. One third of arable land is devoted to growing corn and soy for animal feed and there is still not enough arable land to meet demand. Forests are being cut down, resulting in further reduction of the earth's capacity to absorb CO2. The UN report also concluded that raising animals is among the activities that harm water resources the most because of the massive dumping of fertilizers, pesticides and animal excrement into rivers and streams. 

Organic doesn't necessarily mean balanced in omega-3

When shopping for meat or eggs, look for labels that specify "grass fed" or "rich in omega-3s". Organic meats or eggs contain few or no pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics, but they are not necessarily balanced in omega-3s.

Check out Jo Robinson and her fantastic website EatWild  http://www.eatwild.com/ for everything you need to know about shopping and eating smart.

Foods and supplements rich in omega-3 

There are many foods that are high in omega-3, walnuts and salmon being two of my favorites. I also supplement with a daily dose of flaxseed oil and include ground flax seed in my cereal and oatmeal. 

The chart on the right from Self Nutrition Data shows the top 10 sources of omega-3. See full survey results here. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

My Anti-Cancer Anti-Disease Rx

In the last post, we talked about the importance of your internal environment or terrain. Now let's look at ways we can improve that environment to rid it of disease and keep you disease-free. This is my personal Rx and something I practice each and every day.

You'll notice that not everything on my list is about food or supplements. That's because I believe what you think, do and believe is just as important, maybe more, than what you put in your mouth. You can do all the right nutritional things and still get sick and stay sick if you forget to change your beliefs and day-to-day lifestyle. More on that in the next post.

Here are the core principles of my Anti-cancer, Anti-disease regimen. I've just briefly mentioned them here. Each one deserves its own section because there is so much to talk about. More later, I promise.
  1. As close to no sugar or white flour (i.e. foods with a high glycemic index) as you can get - because cancer feeds on sugar and these foods also promote inflammation
  2. Green, green and more green - because greens have lots of the key anti-cancer and immune system nutrients you need, plus they help balance your body's ph. Our western diet is typically very acidic (meat, coffee, alcohol) and cancer thrives in an acidic environment
  3. Limited meat - there are clear links between heavy meat consumption and cancer. I love a good cheese burger but afterward I can literally feel the inflammation it triggers. And the high fat content of meat and other animal products increases hormone production, thus increasing the risk of hormone-related cancers such as breast and prostate cancer.
  4. Shore up your immune system - You can't beat cancer or any disease without a strong immune system. See earlier post Nutrition and supplements that help your immune system fight cancer. 
  5. Add cancer-fighting power foods - These super nutrients are easy to add and oh so powerful. 
    1. Green Tea - contains polyphenols called catechins, which block the receptors which trigger the formation of new blood vessels by cancerous cells.
    2. Mushrooms- Shiitake maitake, kawaratake and enokitake mushrooms stimulate the immune system and slow tumor growth
    3. Brown Rice- rice bran has been shown to induce apoptosis (cancer cell death), inhibit cell proliferation, and alter cell progression in malignant cells.
    4. Olive oil - contains secoiridoids and lignans, antioxidants linked with slower progression of cancer
    5. Soy - contains powerful phytochemical molecules that counteract the mechanisms essential to the survival and spread of cancer
    6. Tumeric - powerful anti inflammatory that also inhibits angiogenesis and forces cancer cells to die. 
  6. Detox - it is essential that you clear your system of toxins - that includes cancer drugs, food and environmental toxins, and tumor remnants. I drink 7-8 glasses of clean filtered water, drink at least one green juice per day, use my mini trampoline to get the lymph system going and take 2-3 epsom salt and baking soda baths per week. 
  7. Exercise - Exercise decreases your insulin resistance, which reduces cancer risk and creates a low sugar environment that discourages the growth and spread of cancer cells. It also improves circulation, driving more oxygen into your tissues and circulating immune cells in your blood. 
  8. Sun & Fresh Air - this is one you might not find on everyone's cancer regimen but its something I do every day and it's made a huge difference in both my mental and physical health. Sun is important because vitamin D is a proven anti-cancer agent. Fresh air is important because it helps you fully breathe and get oxygen circulating through your system. 
  9. Stress relief - Every day I do something that aids in stress relief. Yoga, meditation, walk the dog, watch a funny movie. This is just as important as what you put in your body, maybe more. We'll get into that in more detail in subsequent posts where we talk about the mind-body connection.
  10. Social connection - Studies have shown that people with strong relationships and support systems have better survival rates. I believe this is essential. It's more than just people who are there for you, it's people you feel connected to, people that "get you".
  11. Believe - I'm convinced the reason there are so many success stories about different ways people beat cancer is because belief is the most powerful drug there is. See The best treatment protocol is the one you believe in the most. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

A new way to think about cancer

The more I dig into cancer, the more I struggle with traditional approaches that focus on tumors or cancerous cells rather than the overall environment that has allowed cancer to thrive in the first place.

In my work with organizational challenges, I know that removing a single problem employee will do little to improve dynamics if the environment, i.e. the culture, is less than optimal. The same thing applies to cancer. If you don't change the environment, you'll likely end up with the same problem again down the road.

I am a living breathing example of that. 2001, lop off the breasts where the cancer resided and call it good. 12 years later, we face the challenge again. The breast cancer cells found their way into my spine, sacrum, ribs and hips.

Research suggests that cancer arises only when cancer cells find fertile terrain in which to grow. Put another way, cancer cells only flourish in an individual whose immune defenses have been weakened. This notion opens up an entirely way of thinking about cancer.

As David Servan-Schreiber notes in Anticancer, "the aim of such new approaches would be not to eradicate tumors by targeting cancer cells themselves, but to "stabilize" these tumors over very long periods by strengthening and mobilizing our natural defenses."

Tumors are symptoms of a diseased organism

Josef Issels, in Cancer, A Second Opinion, notes:
The whole problem of cancer, in terms of growth, in terms of control, in terms of prolonged remission, turns on the bedrock that the disease is one of the organization as a whole. The tumor is a symptom, albeit an important one. This means that malignant tumors can only develop in a diseased organism.
These are not new ideas. In fact, the question is, where and when did we begin to focus locally rather than considering the body as a whole? Early physicians seemed to know better and treat people accordingly. Hippocrates' (460-377 B.C.) work contains numerous references to the causes ("black bile" - i.e. toxins) and treatment (detoxification) of cancer. In the Middle Ages, we find similar references to black bile, as well as "fermenting substance" and "acridity" as causes.

Arabian and pre-Renaissance medicine were also focused on detoxification with specific references to plant pharmacotherapy. The physician Parcelsus (1493-1541) believed, "it is not the physician who heals, but nature" and saw the key to cancer as reinforcement of the body's own defenses. Among the plant remedies he used were hellebore, which has medicinal actions similar to those of mistletoe, sedum, arnica and also garlic, onion and leeks (still high in our anti-cancer food list).

Parcelsus was also an alchemist and used zinc, arsenic, sulphur and various mixtures of salts. In this regard, he is sometimes referred to as the father of chemotherapy. Parcelsus approach to treating cancer also included a mind-body component. He used a form of psychotherapy, because he felt
The causes of every disease are to be found in the soul and spirit as well as in the body.
This systemic view of cancer remained in play for a thousand or more years. Generation after generation of physicians believed that cancer arose through a complex disorder of metabolism and the body's inability to eliminate toxins.

The focus began to change in the mid nineteenth century after cellular pathology gained favor and cancer become the province of surgeons. The nineteenth century saw great advances in surgery, culminating in today's sophisticated surgical and anesthetic techniques, resuscitation and post-operative care, which combined to make surgery relatively safe.

With the prominence of surgery and therefore surgeons, the localized view of cancer replaced the systemic view. Surgeons believed they could remove the disease by removing the tumor.  This view has remained steadfast since that time, and now is often accompanied by chemotherapy and radiation.

Next time I'll take a look at modern medicine's approach to cancer, and in particular chemo and radiation. But I won't spend a lot of time there, because frankly, any treatment that tears down the very thing (i.e. the immune system) that we need to beat cancer, just doesn't make sense. I'd rather spend my time focusing on cleaning up the environment, my internal environment, that is.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The best treatment protocol is the one you believe in the most

A big part of the responsibilities of being a cancer patient is being smart and aware about your treatment. If there's any place you want to do your homework and be an educated consumer, it's here. But it's often not easy.

I typically research every purchase I make and I'm the person in my circle everyone goes to find out how products, stores, companies or people compare. I'm typically not one to blindly trust a doctor and a suggested protocol, but for some strange reason that's exactly what I did this time.

As a psychologist and writer whose written about credibility and the subconscious trust of authority figures, I should know better. Combine that with my propensity to research EVERYTHING, you'd think I would have been the least likely to turn into a sheep.  So what happened?

The short answer is I'm not sure. I was stunned by the diagnosis this time and I think I remained in that stunned state for almost two years. With the death of my husband coming shortly after the diagnosis, then relocating back to Texas, taking care of my mother-in-law and then her death, I was, as they say, not in my right mind.

It was my immune system getting so low and feeling so bad that finally shook some sense into me. I'm not an expert, but I'm smart enough to know there is no way your body can survive cancer if your immune system is basically non-existent!

So, the old Pam is now back and doing her thing. I've researched each of the drugs I'm taking, including gathering info from countless other women just like me who've taken or are taking the drugs. I've also investigated a variety of alternative strategies and spoken to practitioners and users about their experiences.

In some ways we are blessed to have an abundance of great information at our disposal, but in other ways it's a curse. Its difficult to know who to trust sometimes and is especially challenging when trusted sources contradict each other.

When I had cancer the first time, I did the research. Knowing that, people would often ask, "So what's the best protocol?  Chemotherapy? Macrobotic diet? Faith healing?  The answer - all of the above. What I found was people beat cancer using every treatment protocol you can imagine. The only common denominator was their belief in that protocol. The answer to the question which protocol, is, the one you believe in the most!

Do your homework, or buddy up with someone like me who does the homework. Find some quiet stillness and reflect on the choices. Ask God or your higher self to help you choose the things that are right for you. If you learn to listen, you'll discover that the answers and the guidance you need is right there inside you.

I use muscle testing to help me determine what foods and supplements are right for me. I encourage you to give it a try.  You can read about it here:

See a variety of techniques here:

Or watch Cathy Davis do a quick demo of a common technique.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Nutritional supplements that help your immune system fight cancer

These nutritional supplements do a fabulous job keeping your immune system primed and ready for action.

Vitamin C – This vitamin is not only good for fighting colds and flu, but also boosts the activation of both T-cells and NK cells so that your immune system has extra armor to protect you against a host of diseases, including cancer. 

Vitamin D – Vitamin D protects you against flus, colds, cancer and a host of other diseases. No other supplement has been as extensively studied as vitamin D. The reason vitamin D helps with just about any kind of infection is because it stimulates the production of cathelicidin, a protein with natural antibiotic properties. I take Vitamin D supplements, but I also spend 20-30 minutes a day in the sun to collect it naturally.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Omega-3 is needed to help vitamin D work in an optimally and helps prevent vitamin D deficiency. Omega-3 supplementation increases the activity of white cells that gobble up dangerous bacteria. Omega-3 also protects the lungs from colds, flus and other respiratory tract infections. It is also plays a critical role as an anti-inflammatory (more on this when we talk about inflammation).

Vitamin E – In addition to boosting the production of killer cells, vitamin E also supports the making of B cells – also utilized by our immune systems to produce antibodies and kill bacteria. You can get the recommended 60 mg a day from nuts, grains, seeds and vegetable oils. 

Beta Carotene – As the name suggests, this important vitamin found in carrots can help boost killer cells as well as helper t-cells so that your immune system can fight a number of diseases. Foods full of beta carotene include sweet potatoes, kale, turnip greens, spinach, dried herbs, and mustard greens. Check out this story about how Ann Cameron cured her Stage IV colon cancer with carrot juice. 

Probiotics are friendly bacteria that usually inhabit the gut and are a very well documented optimizer of the immune system. Seventy percent or more of our immune system is controlled by what happens in the gut, and friendly bacteria are the most important component of that immune system. These bacteria modulate the immune system by increasing the numbers of t-cells. Probiotics also help improve digestion and protect the body from harmful pathogens such as candida albicans. 

Astragalus – This well-known Chinese herb stimulates white blood cells to both prevent and fight infections. Astragalus does not work as quickly as vitamin D or omega-3 fatty acids, and may take between 6 – 8 weeks to reach its full effects. Numerous studies attest to the fact that it is well worth supplementing.

Selenium – regular supplementation of this important nutrient reduces the risk of cancers of the bladder, breast, bowel, lung and prostate. 

Turkey Tail Mushroom - So called because it resembles a wild turkey's tail, turkey tail mushrooms are proven effective immune system boosters as well as one of the leading anti-cancer supplements. See Turkey tail mushrooms help immune system fight cancer. Also this NIH article http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3369477/

Beta Glucan - Lentinan, a type of beta glucan found in shitake mushrooms, is an immune system modulator, shown to increase neutrophils in solid tumors. Beta Glucan is not an immune system stimulant, like Echinacea and Colostrum. Vaclav Vetvicka, in his book on beta glucan notes that “there are other agents that stimulate the immune system. However, glucans are in a class apart, because those other agents can push the immune system to over stimulation. This means they can make matters worse in the case of auto-immune illnesses. Glucans however do stimulate the immune system, but never to the point where it becomes overactive. In addition glucan is one of the few natural immunomodulators for which we know not only the composition but also the mechanism of action.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19515245

How to keep your natural born killer cells primed and ready for action

Thanks to David Servan-Schreiber in his book Anticancer for describing what happens in a way that regular folks can understand. Much of what is included here came from him.

Natural killer (NK) cells are the highly skilled special agents of the immune system. They're like other white blood cells, in that they patrol the organism looking for bacteria and cancer cells. But, they're different from other white bloods cells (WBC) in one very important way. Other WBC need previous contact to disease agents in order to recognize, then attack them. NKs don't.

NK cells don't need a prior introduction. They seem to be especially good at spotting the bad guys right away and as soon as they detect an enemy, they quickly marshal up forces and aim their chemical weapons (perforin and granzymes) directly at their target.

The granzymes activate the mechanisms of programmed self-destruction. It's as if they give the cancer cell an order to commit suicide, an order it has no choice but to obey. In response to this message, its nucleus crumbles, leading to the cancer cell's collapse. The deflated remains of the cell are then ready to be digested by macrophages, which are the garbage collectors of the immune system and are always found in the wake of NK cells.

A study of 77 women with breast cancer shows just how important these bad boys are. Samples of each woman's tumor taken at the time of diagnosis were cultivated with her own NK cells. Certain patients' NK cells simply didn't react, as though their vitality had been mysteriously zapped. With others, NKs jumped into high gear, indicating an active immune system. At the end of the study, 12 years later, 47% of the patients whose NK cells had not reacted in the lab had died. On the other hand, 95% of those whose immune systems had been active under the microscope were still alive.

So what can we do to ensure our natural born killer cells are strong and ready for action? For starters, lets take a look at what decreases NK cell activity. NK cell activity naturally decreases as we age. Since we can't do much with that, let's move along to the second one - psychological stress.  Both acute and chronic psychological stress reduce NK activity. Sleep depravation is another contributor. Social isolation, persistent anger or despair and a sedentary lifestyle also inhibit the immune system. And then there's chemotherapy and radiation therapy. And rounding out the negatives is our traditional western, very inflammatory diet.

So...there are many things in that list above we can do something about, diet and stress being two very important ones. My Rx includes daily exercise and stress relief, laughter and significant diet modifications, much is focused on keeping inflammation at bay (more on that later). I've also got some key supplements that have been proven effective in this regard. See next post for my full list of Immune System Boosters.

In closing I want to mention an interesting study I happened upon while doing my immune system research. This study (there are actually several like this), looked at the effect of a short, leisurely visit to a forest, on a person's NK activity.
Thirteen healthy nurses, age 25-43 years, professional career 4-18 years experienced a three-day/two-night trip to forest fields. On day 1, the subjects walked for two hours in the afternoon in a forest field; on day 2, they walked for two hours each in the morning and afternoon in two different forest fields. The forest bathing trip significantly increased NK activity and the numbers of NK, perforin, granulysin, and granzymes A/B-expressing cells and significantly decreased the percentage of T cells, and the concentrations of adrenaline and noradrenaline in urine.  
The increased NK activity lasted for more than 7 days after the trip. Phytoncides, such as alpha-pinene and beta-pinene were detected in forest air. These findings indicate that a forest bathing trip also increased NK activity, number of NK cells, and levels of intracellular anti-cancer proteins in female subjects, and that this effect lasted at least 7 days after the trip. Phytoncides released from trees and decreased stress hormone levels may partially contribute to the increased NK activity. 
For more info, check out http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2793341/

 If you've ever visited forests in Japan, you'd have no problem understanding their power. Here's a picture of one of my favorite places, the walking path to Meigi Shrine, which is amazingly right in Tokyo. After the death of Emperor Meiji in 1912 and Empress Shoken in 1914, the Japanese people decided to commemorate them by building a forest. So they donated 100,000 trees from all over Japan and oversees, and they worked to voluntarily create this forest. The shrine was established in 1920.